Public speaking can be quite a challenge for a lot of people. Some may feel nauseated just thinking about standing in front of a crowd. Others may have issues about the topic to discuss, feeling they’re not qualified to talk about it. There are also those who are challenged by both.
Here’s a list of (seven) P’s I once shared with my students to help them prepare for such tasks. This does not mean I do not get nervous anymore whenever I’m asked to give a talk or presentation; I still feel a bit anxious, but in a good way. That is, I’m stressed enough to give my best with what The Almighty has bestowed upon me.
PICK. Obviously, this is about choosing a topic. That may sound weird, you think, because often the topic has already been given to you, right? Well, it’s like this. While that may often be the case in school, there are also instances when you’re just given a general topic or a list from which to choose what to present. Similarly, once you work and start becoming an expert in a certain field, you will often find yourself being invited to give talks but the topic given is so broad that you’d still have to pick which area or which angle would be best to discuss for the expected crowd.
Hence, before you’re even asked to give talks (or even to facilitate workshops), come up with your personal list of topics–arrange them from those you like and know most to those you prefer least. Pick topics that are closest to your heart because it’s something you’ve personally experienced or you strongly believe in. When you do, you’ll find that speaking to a group, even if you’re an introvert, can actually still make you feel at home–ideas and examples flow, and before you know it, you have an engaged crowd.
We should also remember that being invited does not necessarily mean automatically accepting. If you know you’re not the best person for the task given your current knowledge or circumstance, it’s your responsibility to respectfully decline–recommend someone you know would do great, if you wish.
Picking a topic, if we reflect on it, requires two H’s–honesty and humility. Be honest with yourself in identifying the topics you know you love and you can handle, including those you wish to handle in the near future (the wishlist would provide you an opportunity to keep growing and improving, with The Almighty’s grace). And, be humble enough to admit what you can’t handle at the moment–it’s a responsibility to yourself, your client and the audience.
PONDER. Once you have a topic, you now need to ask yourself:
- who is your target audience and how big is the crowd? (Are they students, professionals, children, out-of-school youth, and the like?)
- what is the time allotment and what time are you speaking? (Everybody knows people have this tendency to fall asleep after lunch or at 8pm onwards, so either keep it brief or pack it with simple but interesting activities.)
- what are the essentials of the topic which you hope to discuss for this particular event? (As mentioned, a topic can actually be so broad that some speakers would have a lecture series on it. You’re lucky if you can have a series of lectures. However, if it’s a one-time stint, ask yourself–what essentials would you want to pass on to others?)
- where will the event be and what audiovisual equipment would be made available? (Is it an online or in-person event? For online events, you need to consider that some people may have internet connectivity issues. This often means that while you need to make your presentation engaging, you’ll need to do it without using too much bandwidth. For in-person talks, you wouldn’t want to make the mistake of preparing a slideshow or deck only to find out later on that they don’t have a projector available or that the event will be under the sun)
- how are you going to present it? (This one becomes easier to answer when you’ve answered the questions previously mentioned. It also means determining the style you’ll use–will you be more formal or relaxed? Remember: communication is not just about what to say but also how to say it.)
POINTS. So you’ve pondered on the important questions (you can add some more to the list, by the way)…the next step is to prepare your talking points and/or presentation. No matter how long you’ve been in the public speaking arena, it always helps to have a list of the things you want to share. If a podium is available, those numbered index cards or post-it’s can come in really handy. Just have key points written on them which would serve as your guide all throughout your speech. Just having key words there would also make your talk more engaging because you’ll avoid reading everything, hence, you’ll be connecting more with your audience.
For some, the slideshow or presentation itself serves as their guide. Keep each slide light on text–just the essentials. A quote or a photo or one word driving your point, for example, would do. Teachers know this much: the heavier with text your presentation is, the higher the tendency for students to just copy and not listen. So, keep it light yet followed by interesting questions and explanations. And, oh, those impromptu speeches? Those speakers may not have physical talking points with them, but they do have a mental rundown of what to say. With the very few minutes given to them to prepare, believe me when I say they try their best to organize their thoughts as fast as they can, and as calmly as they can.
PRACTICE. Did you know practice is not just speaking but also writing?
Speeches are like essays delivered orally in the same way songs are poems voiced out melodiously. Your talking points are actually the skeleton of your essay. Give flesh and life to them by writing down your thoughts per talking point: if you have to define or describe something, do it. Follow it up with short explanations. Give examples–even use jokes if you deem it best.Write. Review. Revise. Finalize.
After writing, read. Silently at first, if you wish. Then, out loud. Share it with a trusted friend or colleague–ask them for suggestions.
And yes, be open to learning from others, too: watch other speakers in action, be it in person or online through their recorded talks, and try to see which techniques you might want to practice for yourself.
Now, don’t laugh at this, but practice in front of a mirror. Make yourself enjoy talking to yourself. Take a video of yourself even, and be your own critique. Were you too serious? Were you self-conscious (yes, it happens that a speaker is too conscious about how one looks while speaking that it affects the delivery–they are no longer connecting with the audience, but just with themselves.)? How about your movements–were you exuding confidence or wrapping oneself in your arms or unconsciously fidgeting? Take note of these things, and make the necessary changes.
Oh, by the way, you need not memorize your essay. Stick to the talking points. Writing the essay was just part of the practice in organizing and presenting your thoughts (after all, there are moments when an idea seems so clear in your head but so vague once you deliver it…so writing helps you check and correct yourself).
PLAY. And I mean present. Let’s use the word play because all work should be play, really–that is, enjoy what you’re doing. Enjoy presenting. No, your audience is not out there to bury you alive or to grind you. They’re there for them to learn something from you and you from them. It’s a win-win situation, really: they like your presentation, Alhamdulillah (praise God) right there because your efforts obviously paid off; they didn’t quite like it, Alhamdulillah as well because you’ve just been given an opportunity to challenge yourself to do better.
So, play with all of your heart; and remember: no kid played a game perfectly the first, second, third or even the tenth time…but they find joy in playing until they get better and better.
PARDON. Major reminder: Never begin your talk with an apology, but with positivity. If you have to ask for pardon, ask for it in the end. If things start off not quite as expected–a major delay, for example, apologizing in the beginning does not necessarily help as it will only remind them of the sad situation and might even make you unintentionally give excuses. I personally find it more uplifting to say something like, “Thank you for being here and may I be given the chance to make the most of my time with you as we learn from each other, with God’s grace.”
Before ending, ask for pardon for any wrong or lapse on your part. Don’t let pride get the better of you. Remember: anything good we are able to impart is from The All-Wise; anything incorrect is of our own shortcomings.
And yes, allow your heart to pardon anyone from the audience who made speaking difficult for you. Pray for the person and think of the situation as a test of patience for you–will you pass the test?
PRAY. Yes, pray for guidance–that HE allows you to be of service. More importantly, pray as a sign of gratefulness for the opportunity being given to you to grow and to pass on to others what HE has allowed you to learn or gain in life.
Pray and turn public speaking into a form of prayer, in shaa Allah (God willing).
There we have it, Seven P’s for Public Speaking. I pray you find it useful for yourself or for others who may find themselves having to give a talk. Feel free to add some more tips if I missed any, and kindly share them with me so we can help each other learn more and grow more, in shaa Allah (God willing).